My Music Ministry

One of the things I Believe God has gifted me with is Music. When I grew up Mum encouraged me to play a musical instrument. Over the years, growing up, apart from learning the recorder at primary school. I remember trying out the keyboard, classical guitar, clarinet and trumpet, but I really loved the Saxophone. I remember for one birthday or Christmas Mum got me my own clarinet. Later on I brought myself a guitar and a chord book. This was great and from then on I have grown and developed this talent playing guitar. I now play Guitar at Church.
In January 2014 our only bass player at church, Norm, got married and took 3 months off playing. I borrowed Norms old bass and offered to play at church and I have gone from there. I now have my own bass. Since Norm left I play bass most weeks. Thanks Norm for encouraging me over this time with your wisdom and experience you imparted to my bass playing.

Outside Church:
Over the years I had many ides I thought of getting all the buskers together that I used to see around town, to form a band and play beautiful music together. (Funny that once some of the buskers organised a group busk, one friday evening, which I was invited to).
Through my involvement with the Christian Fellowship For Disabled (CFFD). I also had this idea to form a band of people with disabilities to help them share there gifting in music. I also had a name J4J (Jam’n For Jesus). One day at one of the CFFD meetings, as we were sharing together Matalena, who also plays Guitar, said that she felt that God had laid it on her heart to start a worship team within the ministry. I was so blown away and also shared what God had laid on my heart about it and together we formed the band and did call it J4J. Soon others who heard about it joined and now we play on the second Sunday of every month for the Joy Ministries (JM) group for people who have an intellectual disability. The J4J band was also asked to go as part of the JM Missions trip to see our friends at Joy Fellowship in Vancouver, Canada in 2009. This was an experience I will never forget. J4J have also led music for the JM National Camp on several occasions.

Thanks Mum:
I thank my mum for giving me the opportunity to play a musical instrument when growing up, taking me to lessons, buying me things I needed, and supporting me as best she could.
A BIG THANKS for everything you did to encourage me.

1 comment

  1. Mike, I truly enjoy your site and I thank you for sharing it with me man. It’s pretty neat and actually after reading some of your entries, its been a blessing and a eye opener in to who you are as a person. So once again, thanks for sharing it man and God bless you. šŸ™‚


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